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5 Hotel Hacks That Just Won t Work

5 Hotel Hacks That Just Won t Work

5 Hotel Hacks That Just Won t Work

5 Hotel Hacks That Just Won’t Work We have read it many times – so called seasoned travellers claiming to know every single travel ‘hack’ there is – from

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قديم 07-31-2022, 04:35 AM
بنت القحظأن بنت القحظأن غير متواجد حالياً
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2022
المشاركات: 96
افتراضي 5 Hotel Hacks That Just Won t Work

5 Hotel Hacks That Just Won’t Work

We have read it many times – so called seasoned travellers claiming to know every single travel ‘hack’ there is – from the cheapest flight fares to guaranteed hotel upgrades, they know it all. Others then try to figure the ‘golden path’ and spending hours on Google trying to “hack the system’. Before you get overly excited, let us tell you about five hotel Hacks That Just won’t work:

Myth 1: Tipping upon check-in to get a room upgrade

Haha, seriously? Come on! You think 20 $ or even 100 $ can get an you upgrade? The receptionist will take the money and make sure you have no trouble during the stay, but an upgrade? No, no, no. I know, many articles and travel sites claiming this, but it’s Just big BS.

On another site, tipping staff upon check-in, whether it’s the bellboy, butler, valet or receptionist, will make your stay pretty smooth throughout the stay.

Myth 2: Constantly Complaining
• Sorry, but times are over where you get everything when you keep complaining. Unless it’s absolutely legit, don’t do it. Your AC doesn’t Work properly? You’ll get a technician. If he can’t help you get a new room, probably the one next door.
• If you’re marked as ‘Mr. Smith who keeps complaining’, you won’t make any friends with the staff. It also doesn’t help to ask for the Hotel Manager; do you think someone with 10, 20 or 30 years’ experience in the Hotel industry has no idea about people’s intentions? They’ve seen it all. Yes, he/she will take the time talking to listen to you and you may even score a free drink at the bar, but again, if it’s not legit the hotel manager can’t help.

عنوان الموضوع الاصلي: 5 Hotel Hacks That Just Won t Work || الكاتب: بنت القحظأن || مصدر الموضوع: منتديات التحلية

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5 Hotel Hacks That Just Won t Work hughk

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