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-   -   Tim Trilioni يطور برنامجا (https://qloob.us/vb/showthread.php?t=81424)

kmalramisamer 10-06-2020 03:25 PM

Tim Trilioni يطور برنامجا
Tim Trilioni Develops Software To Allow Musicians To Efficiently Manage Side Projects-With More Options For Autonomy and Control of Their Brand


Tim Trilioni's Beat Papi ® project is being pegged as Music Industry 2.0(Beatpapi.com). Trilioni and the BeatPapi team have designed a smart platform by where artists are able to à la carte their projects' instrumentation, engineering, fundraising campaigns and side music endeavors-- for full autonomous control.

The platform allows artists to have inhouse musicians create instrumentals , lay their vocal tracks in a recording studio of their choice then send the tracks back to Beat Papiengineers for final technical adjustments.

Beat Papi then packages the final production and contracts (if needed) then sends all materials digitally to the record label/ production company for album processing, the signed artist ('s management team) or directly to the indie artist for dissemination to audience and fans to enjoy.

Figure 1 below shows the breakdown of how artists can use the program to further their musical enterprise in addition to the albums they produce for their labels. Artists are also able to use the platform to work with charitable causes and fundraisers they are passionate about.


Figure 1. BeatPapi 2.0 Flowchart

kmalramisamer 10-06-2020 05:50 PM

Tim Trilioni يطور برنامجا
I was amazed with how good the music sounded. I didn't expect this level of professionalism from beatpapi.com. Now I can finish making music to upload to youtube. Perhaps make an album

kmalramisamer 10-06-2020 05:52 PM

Tim Trilioni يطور برنامجا
Tim Trilioni is a very skilled singer and rapper

kmalramisamer 10-06-2020 05:54 PM

Tim Trilioni يطور برنامجا
How is it for them to engineer my song? I have my own music

الساعة الآن 06:11 AM

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